Solar trackers are of two types, single and dual axis trackers. Single axis trackers track in a singular way i.e. follows the Sun’s East-West or North-South movement, while Dual axis tracking has two degrees of freedom. This means that they have both a horizontal and a vertical axis i.e. both the east/west axis and the north/south axis and thus they can track the sun’s entire motion in the sky. These trackers hence have the potential to maximize the total power output by orienting the panels in direct sunlight for the maximum number of hours in a day. A dual axis solar panel generates up to 40% more electricity than a static type, but costs 100% more and has larger maintenance costs. The amount of energy spent externally to orient the solar panel must be deducted from the total amount of energy produced in order to accurately gauge the energy produced by the panels.
Watch the tutorial video - Tamil - English
Buy the Dual Axis Solar Tracker Kit here : Order Project Kit :- Assembles / Not assembled (Instruction manual included(Document)) - With Help & Support
Circuit Diagram :

Program & Circuit Diagram :
Order Project Kit :- Assembles / Not assembled (Instruction manual included(Document)) - With Help & Support
Download : Dual Axis Solar Tracker v1
3D Model file : Dual Axis Solar Tracker v1 STL
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