Here I share this project with you which is easy to make with ultrasonic sensor arduino and servomotor .
Lets start the connections
connections with arduino uno
If you have any trouble comment or contact me in Instagram : @technical_tamizha_official
Order Project Kit :- Assembles / Not assembled (Instruction manual included(Document)) - With Help & Support
Components :
Arduino UNO
Ultrasonic sensors
Servo Motor
Jumper Wire
Watch the tutorial video
Circuit Diagram :

connect vcc of servomotor(red wire) and vcc of ultrasonic sensor to 5v of arduino
connect the gnd of ultrasonic sensor and servo(black wire) to ground of the arduino
connect trig and echo pin of ultrasonic sensor to 10 and 11 of arduino.
connect signal pin of servo to pin 12 of arduino.
connection with arduino nano for nano users - same Connection
Lets start first by installing arduino ide clickhere
After downloading it paste the given code in it
Next extract "Processing" zip file and Open it
Paste the given code in processing ide
Run the processing ide.
note: change the com3 on the code to your com port to which arduino ide is connected.
To know which com port you are connected follow the image.

Program & Circuit Diagram & App :
Order Project Kit :- Assembles / Not assembled (Instruction manual included(Document)) - With Help & Support
Download : Arduino Radar
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